VALMONT 法而曼 Prime 24 Hour 升效水凝日夜補濕霜

  • $980.00
  • Save $820

Prime 24 Hour 升效水凝日夜補濕霜

Valmont「升效水凝日夜補濕霜」專為對抗缺水肌膚而設的細滑面霜能確保肌膚維持最佳濕度。憑藉其蘊含豐富的細胞升效複合物的配方,有效完美滋養肌膚表層。肌膚獲得強健與保護便能有效對抗皮膚老化問題。 Valmont「升效水凝日夜補濕霜」水凝日夜補濕霜能快速滲透,柔嫩肌膚,形成一層隱形的幼滑保護膜,是最理想的妝前底霜。


具抗皺功效的全面抗衰老面霜, 蘊含豐富的細胞升效複合物,賦予肌膚所需的各種主要成分,積極對抗皮膚老化問題, 有助於細胞更生. 從而緊緻肌膚.此面霜能快速滲透,柔嫩肌膚,形成一層隱形的幼滑保護, 是最理想的妝前底霜.

CELLULAR PRIOME COMPLEX 細胞升效複合物 - 於其'經典' 的配方加入了正離子複合DNA,微脂囊 RNA 及真皮層逆時空複合成分(PEPTIDES+Cocktail) 產生協同作用, 有效提升保養抗皺效果, 構成了 Valmont 新一代的 '經典 ' 核心配方 : CELLULAR PRIME COMPLEX 細胞升效複合物.


Mornings and evenings. Apply over the whole face and neck areas. Valmont Prime 24 Hour should be applied morning and night after Prime B-Cellular. Prime 24 Hour can be applied at night for a global anti-aging action.


Tripe DNA: helps maintain and stimulate the skin's vital function RNA in liposomes: powerful celluar bio-activator. Provide the skin with essential fatty acids to compensate for the metabolism of fats which becomes deficient over time. Peptides + Cocktail: Peptides from synthesis origin: offer an anti-wrinkle action similar to retinoic acid (Vitamin A Acid). Plant extracts: microcirculation activating extracts. They potentialize the activity of the peptides.